Ivan’s Captive Submissive by Ann Mayburn

When Gia Lopez signs up for the Submissive's Wish Charity Auction she has no idea that she's about to be bought by a Russian Dom who will do anything to make her fantasies come true. Including staging an elaborate kidnapping that Gia believes is real. Ivan is instantly drawn to Gia and he wants to be the best Master she's ever had. As he spends time with Gia he begins to have intense feelings for the strong, independent, and sexy American woman. He's only won a week of her service but wishes to keep her forever.
Unaware of Ivan’s true feelings, Gia fights her growing emotional attachment to him. All she wants is to settle down with a nice Dom in the United States, continue her career, and live a normal life. However, Ivan sets a plan into motion that will push Gia to all of her limits and take her on a global journey of self-discovery, extreme pleasure, and love.
Warning: Contains Erotic Spanking, Subspace, f/f situations, a devastatingly sexy Dom who knows what he wants, and a submissive who just might be ready to give him what he needs.
Buy Links:
Amazon US: http://amzn.to/2uxwDM1
Amazon UK: http://amzn.to/2vJo3bI
Nook: http://bit.ly/2tNF71i
Kobo: http://bit.ly/2sUZyGM
iBooks: http://apple.co/2ujJX6Y
Google Play: http://bit.ly/2tNHQYz
Books in Series:
1. Ivan’s Captive Submissive
2. Dimitri’s Forbidden Submissive
3. Alexandr’s Cherished Submissive
4. Alexandr’s Reluctant Submissive
Sample Post Text:
Ivan’s Captive Submissive is FREE July 24th-July 31st! Grab your copy and start reading the Submissive’s Wishes series now!
Author Bio:
With over forty published books, Ann is Queen of the Castle to her husband and three sons in the mountains of West Virginia. In her past lives she's been an Import Broker, a Communications Specialist, a US Navy Civilian Contractor, a Bartender/Waitress, and an actor at the Michigan Renaissance Festival. She also spent a summer touring with the Grateful Dead-though she will deny to her children that it ever happened.
From a young Ann has had a love affair with books would read everything she could get her hands on. As Ann grew older, and her hormones kicked in, she discovered bodice ripping Fabio-esque romance novels. They were great at first, but she soon grew tired of the endless stories with a big wonderful emotional buildup to really short and crappy sex. Never a big fan of purple prose, throbbing spears of fleshy pleasure and wet honey pots make her giggle, she sought out books that gave the sex scenes in the story just as muchd etail and plot as everything else-without using cringe worthy euphemisms. This led her to the wonderful world of Erotic Romance, and she's never looked back.
Now Ann spends her days trying to tune out cartoons playing in the background to get into her 'sexy space' and has accepted that her Muse has a severe case of ADD.
Ann loves to talk with her fans, as long as they realize she's weird, and that sarcasm doesn't translate well via text.
Author Links:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AnnMayburn